Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Morning News Round-Up -- 10.07.08 -- the 420 edition...

Fundraising numbers for Redwood City ballot measures was reported yesterday. The opponents have raised more than $1.1 million. Details about who and how much here and here. No huge surprises on either side, seemingly: No on W = DMB Associates (who will develop the site), Oracle, Realtors, unions...Yes on W: Save the Bay.

It has been a little bit since Watch Dog saw any garbage news -- but here is some more. San Mateo and Foster City went with Norcal for 10 years starting in 2001. For those new readers, this is not the first post about this issue. But for a semi-complete run-down, check out his helpful guide.

No new underground garage for Safeway, according to the Burlingame City Council. $20 million seemed excessive, I guess. Story here and here.

Updates about yesterday's train/truck crash in Burlingame. Daily News. Daily Journal.

The Palo Alto City Council debated Measure B in Santa Clara County yesterday -- coming to no real position, other than they are split. They voted 4-4 to not oppose it, then voted 5-3 against supporting it. Money quote of the story from Councilmember John Barton:
"The fact that we don't always win...isn't a reason to stand in the way."
Apparently your colleagues disagree with that.

...and as if on queue: Democrat Congressman Mike Honda and former Republican Assemblymember Jim Cunneen penned a pro-BART op-ed in the Mercury News. If only the Palo Alto City Council had read this...

High speed rail, again. But the issue of where stops would go remains. (Note: Watch Dog thinks the first line of the story should be a "b" for billions, not "m" for millions...)

"School districts get screwed by Lehman Brothers" -- that should be the headline but isn't in this story. School districts affected: Menlo Park, Sequoia Union High School District, Las Lomitas, and probably hundreds of others.

San Mateo Union High School District board voted to increase their own monthly stipends from $240 to $420. (Really? 420. Really? There are hundreds of San Mateo Union High School students giggling right now about the new stipend amount...)


Anonymous said...

Another San Mateo based blog:


Ongoing coverage on what the DA believes is the single biggest case of child abuse in the history of San Mateo County. Looks like Dr. Ayres was aided and abetted by Childrens Services. How about writing about this ?

Anonymous said...

Apparently Watchdog reads papers, a lot of them, perhaps even all of them. Golly, Watchdog could be the next Vice President.

Anonymous said...

Again, you repeat the line that no on W = Cargill. That is true as to the big guns, but there are quite a few little guys who are against W and we have NO connection to Cargill.
