More than anything, the Board showed that they don't care what voters think. Unelected Supervisor Groom will be the next Supervisor to replace Jerry Hill -- and she'll hold the seat forever...

Groom is a talented and dedicated public servant -- but she got handed a gift -- and Watch Dog has a problem with that...everyone should...perhaps Groom could provide some advice to this public face who is looking for a (slightly) more high-profile gift...
Kudos to Supervisor Rich Gordon who (ironically) will go down as the Profile in Courage on this vote -- he voted against the gifting of public (funds) office...he agreed with Watch Dog and said: "Now is time for democracy.”
Perhaps they could have an interim appointee to support the district until the next regular election. Special elections are expensive so an appointment at this time might not be such a bad idea.
well, if the bd of supes can afford to spend $1 million of taxpayer money for one county resident's liver transplant without a real discussion (http://www.smdailyjournal.com/article_preview.php?id=100634), then $1.6 million isn't that expensive for the "cost of democracy." besides, who says that an election actually costs this much? after the way the bd of supes has thrown money around, who can trust them to make a judgment on what's "expensive" and what's "not expensive?"
All of you whiners should either do something about it or shut up.. I am sick and tired of people bitching but willing to do NOTHING to change the political paradigm in SMC... Everyone knows that these guys are good ol boy back room dealing dirtbags...so whats new? There is one sure fire way to fix their little red wagon, or at least throw a monkey wrench into their hold on power...sue the County to institute TRUE District elections. This happened in Modesto, and the Supreme Court of California agreed that in communities with large multi demographic electors, State law requires district elections... take the blue print that happened in Modesto, copy it... and file it against SMC... if you want to know more..and are serious feel free to email me at enemyofpoliticians@gmail.com
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