Garbage...again and again and again. The final cost of the new garbage contract that folks in the garbage joint powers authority (the SBWMA) are considering can only be determined once it is clear how many of the 13 joint powers authority members are getting on board. A bunch of cities have already said yes, but some have delayed or punted making the final decision either because of cost, concern about the contract award process, or because they like to go it alone. The County is the latest agency to push off making a decision -- Burlingame will discuss it tonight. The latest round of concern was kicked off by Assemblymember Jerry Hill's request that the Civil Grand Jury take a look at the selection process. That threw everyone into a frenzy, including Watch Dog, who has covered this story for months...
What seems to be a new trend in San Mateo County, a man punched and killed a dog in Burlingame. Remember this, where a Redwood City man stomped and killed a kitten...and in other pet news, a 19-year-old punk is being charged with stealing pit bull puppies from a backyard in San Mateo...the animal crime spree continues...
The Coast Guard came to the rescue this weekend off the San Mateo coast to rescue 26 folks who were on a yacht that ran aground off of Coyote Point.
In the Daily Journal, Sue Lempert discusses if San Mateo County ought to do away with at-large elections of Supervisors...She likes the way it is...
Monday, December 15, 2008
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1 comment:
sure, sue likes the current system. it perpetuates the "good ole boys network" of which she and her son are part. unfortunately, for voters, it also inhibits competitive elections and keeps our political process oriented to one party. of course, sue will tell you that these are nonpartisan elections. REALLY??? we all know there is no such thing as nonpartisan elections in san mateo county. besides, why should san mateo county continue to be in the dark ages and be ONE OF ONLY THREE COUNTIES in California to have countywide elections? get rid of the "good ole boys" and elect common sense people who understand how to read a balance sheet and profit & loss statement and who have some financial understanding. don't forget, the bd of supes approved the county investment pool plan and are in serious denial right now! i'd be embarrassed, too, if i had to admit i didn't know the first thing about investing money, even though the buck stops w/the bd of supes.
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