Watch Dog reported earlier this week that the City Manager in Half Moon Bay left that position abruptly...(and the piece included a quote from Farmer John (Mayor Muller)) we know why Marcia Raines left HMB, she is taking the same job in Millbrae.
What kind of training to Palo Alto Police Officers get? Yesterday a court ruled that the ruse officers pulled on a homeless man was illegal. You see, officers pretended to call a tow-truck to move a van that a homeless man was living in -- which was a lie and was illegal. Sadly, another strange chapter that damages the PA Police Department. And that wasn't the worst part of the story...when the homeless man got out of his van to yell at officers -- they Tasered him and the homeless man was charged with assaulting an officer. The charge of assaulting an officer was dismissed yesterday. Good thing a new Chief is on his way in...

Last week Watch Dog directed your attention to $11 million that the San Mateo Union High School District was going to receive from the State for construction and repair of schools...Now the Lucy (the State) is pulling the football ($11 million) from under Charlie's (the District's)...
TGI Friday's is closing all of its (local) doors...ironic that this news is delivered on a Thursday...where will Watch Dog get Jack Daniel's Ribs and Chicken now?
The Daily Journal's Michelle Durand (Off the Beat) talks about Unelected Supervisor Groom's appointment and hopes folks stay involved to challenge her in 2 years.
SSF Unified School District didn't pick up the contract of their Superintendent Barbara Olds -- now they are seeking a replacement.
East Palo Alto's (ongoing) fight with Page Mill Properties about EPA apartment buildings the company is buying took an interesting turn yesterday. EPA officials are expressing their discontent that Page Mill Properties is using public employee pension funds (CalPERS) for their "predatory practices"...
Deciding that residents should know less about what happens in their City, the City of Menlo Park will provide less-detailed information about their public meetings. Watch Dog hates this idea, but during the week where someone was undemocratically appointed to the Board of Supervisors -- it isn't surprising...
Opening ceremonies for Maverick's is set for January 6th marking the opening of the Maverick's season -- which closes March 31st. If you don't know what the previous sentence is all about, here is some background...
Pacifica Riptide provides insight into the Pacifica City Council's latest meeting, including garbage updates and the biofuels company that wants a new lease. Watch Dog loves Riptide -- so check it out...
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