Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What is the County Controller trying to hide?!

Watch Dog got another email from the County of San Mateo Controller Huening's office yesterday announcing the release of the 'Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2008'. Which (Watch Dog assumes) is different that last week's 'Comprehensive Annual Financial Report'...

Why should you care?

Well, last week Watch Dog pointed out that releasing important information between Christmas in New Year's Eve is generally a tactic reserved for releasing bad news that government agencies -- or County Controllers -- want buried, ignored, and unnoticed. (We also noticed this story about Visa USA jetting from Foster City to San Francisco...)

So, the Controller doubled-down on this sneakiness by releasing the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report on Christmas Eve and the Popular Annual Financial Report on December 30th...

For all you Watch Dog's out there...check out these reports and see if you can see why they were released as late as possible and buried as well as possible.

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