Friday, May 1, 2009

Morning News Round-Up -- 5.1.09: Golf, Water Bottles, and Shi Tzu Edition...

We will start in San Francisco, where there was a Shark Park Golf Course public hearing in front of the San Francisco Government Audit and Oversight Committee (at the strong urging of Imperial San Francisco Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi). The Committee voted 3-0 to transfer the Sharp Park Golf Course to the National Park Service in an effort to protect two endangered species. The plans seem to fall into three categories:
1. The whole golf course would be restored to habitat,
2. The golf course would stay as is with some modifications to accommodate the environmental concerns, and
3. Some combination of 1. and 2.
Pacifica Riptide has all the Sharp Park Golf Course coverage and comments and video...

Swine flu, day three (?)... this time with a San Mateo County angle...

The day is finally coming when County officials can get their day before the House Financial Services Committee (and its fiery/brilliant Chair Barney Frank)... The once-postponed hearing about Lehman Brothers is now back on -- today at 10 a.m. You can watch it too...

Sometimes environmentalism and budget cuts come together to make a pretty nice marriage. Consider bottled water in the County of San Mateo. The County spends $146,000 annually on bottled water... or at least they used to. Saving the earth while saving dough.

Another day another San Mateo County-based animal cruelty story. This time in San Bruno where a woman had 19 shi tzu dogs... and a foul-smelling residence (obviously). She'll face misdemeanor animal neglect charges... This story is horrible enough, but who would want 19 shi tzus?

The Daily Journal Editorial pages recall the challenges of the San Mateo County Probation Department... and welcome the "clean slate" new leadership of Stuart Forrest...

Earlier in the week we wrote about a development in Palo Alto that got shot down by the City's Planning and Transportation Committee... well, the developers had this to say: "This project has been in the works for five years, and this is the kind of dysfunctional process that drives business and tax revenue out of Palo Alto..." How do you really feel?

Here is another sign that things are really bad economically, the Stanford Shopping Center is cutting mid-week, evening hours. Even folks in Palo Alto don't want to shop...

Menlo Park has serious budget problems (who doesn't?) -- so they are looking to get concessions from the Police Officers that serve their community. Good luck!

Bruce at PP Examiner gives us all a run-down on the political goings on in San Mateo County:
  • Pay-Gate: The County Democratic Party stands opposed to what the Daly City City Council did... that took a while...
  • The Race to Replace Rich Gordon when he joins the Race to Replace Ira Ruskin is heating up -- David Mineta is getting in the race (he of famous father fame)... and...
  • Foster City didn't take Watch Dog's advice and instead passed their own extension of term limits for City Councilmembers -- well, at least to put it on the November ballot...

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