Thursday, July 23, 2009

Morning News Round-Up -- 7.23.09: Hooters + San Bruno = Lots of Guys at Tanforan

A third (third?) juror was release from the Ayres' jury yesterday. The first was released for speaking about the trial, the second was released for misconduct, and the third was released because she was ill. Good thing they had plenty of alternates... William Ayres' Watch has an interesting post about legal fees...

A big fire is burning in SSF this morning... updates when available.

Big News Alert: San Bruno may be getting a Hooters at Tanforan no doubt prompting this conversation: "Honey, I'll meet you at Target in about a half hour... make it an hour."

Shared sacrifice
from many Burlingame employees kept a fire station open in that City. Which is great. With the State's new money-grab, is shared sacrifice enough?

Speaking of the State's money-grab a.k.a. the budget...
An 18 year old was shot dead in the middle of the day yesterday in East Palo Alto. No suspect was arrested.

The most recent animal abuse trial (German shepherd) entered the sentencing phase yesterday. The culprit will serve 4 days in jail. That is un-Vick-like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steve Wagstaffe makes it sound as if this is the first time in the history of San Mateo County that two jurors have been kicked off during deliberations.

He seems to have forgottent that it also happened during the Scott Peterson trial. Two jurors were booted off within a day of each other during deliberations. One was the foreman.