Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Morning News Round-Up -- 10.21.09: Be on the lookout...

A San Mateo gas station was robbed at gunpoint again… by the same person, too. A man wearing a construction hard hart, orange traffic vest, and goggles. If you see either of these two folks -- please call authorities...

San Mateo is trying to prioritize how best to spend its grant money… what little money it has.

San Mateo-Foster City Elementary School District candidates are worried about future enrollment and where they will put their next school... Hillsborough City Elementary School District Board of Trustees care about meeting students’ needs (and parents' demands) in hard financial times.

Redwood City joined the list of municipalities that are asking to recoup property tax dollars that State officials plan to borrow/steal to balance California's budget. Power in numbers we guess...

Parts of Millbrae would be waterless in the event of a major earthquake. That should be reassuring 20 years after the World Series quake...

A man was critical shot while sitting in a parked car in East Palo Alto.

Cool roofs are coming to Menlo Park. Fonzi is pleased...

Fire starts on the Menlo Park fire board. Not Fonzi-like...

Two women who said they were touring Sea Crest School were actually on campus to steal wallets. Don’t they know there is no money in schools these days?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember that story you did here on foul mouthed San Mateo Juvenile Judge Marta Diaz?

Seems like the Commission on Judicial Performance just admonished her for her foul mouth. Details here: