Guns weren't the only thing pulled from the County's agenda yesterday, Supervisor Gordon also pulled an item from the agenda related to the County's highest-paid officials, including the Assessor/County Clerk Recorder ($158k), Controller ($151k), Coroner ($118k), District Attorney ($243k), Sheriff ($184k), and Tax Collector/Treasurer ($139k). (Watch Dog had to do some math because the Daily Journal only had bi-weekly salaries, which we think means twice-a-month...)
Probably because Supervisors like putting off difficult decisions... The Council Manager David Boesch thinks the County Supervisors need to speed up the process to fix their $100,000,000 problem. That's a lot of zeros to have to fix... Boesch categorized the budget situation this way in the Daily Journal, "...urgent by not yet dire..."
The lovely hamlet of San Carlos swore-in a new Mayor and some new Councilmembers yesterday. Watch Dog can't believe you weren't there... Mayor Randy Royce's top priorities: Preserving the Small Town Character of San Carlos, Being Available to the Public, and Keeping the CIty Budget Balanced...
Belmont also got a new Mayor -- Christine Wozniak. Her priorities are little more "big picture" than her counterpart's in San Carlos: High-Speed Rail (or stopping it), Green Initiatives, Water, the Economy, and Communication. Welcome to the hot seat Mayor Wozniak...
We all know that there is one bill everyone in the country is talking about pending before Congress right now... loud television ads. And our own Congresswoman Anna Eshoo is on top of that issue. This will surely bring jobs and healthcare to the District and address climate change, coastal erosion, and traffic...
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