We knew it. The beard, the cool attitude... everything about Assemblymember Jerry Hill says Deadhead... so did his 'yes' vote on a recreational pot bill in an Assembly Committee yesterday. The head of the California Police Chiefs Association, who happens to be Susan Manheimer, was not pleased, saying (according to the Daily Journal), "It is unconscionable that the state would try to balance its budget by approving the use of mind-altering substance..." That quote makes her sound a little bit like Joe Friday...
In a story that bridges both Watch Dogs -- Tom Campbell is dropping out of the Governor's race (against Steve Poizner and Meg Whitman) and jumping into the Senate race (against Carly Fiorina)... how does he feel about recreational pot use?
Ah, schools in Burlingame. Nothing says relaxing public meeting like the Burligname Elementary School District Board meeting. Last night the Board was going to discuss the possibility of purchasing back the Hoover Elementary School site -- but parents weren't having any of it. Expect this long, tortured process to continue...
In case you've been living under a (synthetic) rock, synthetic grass fields are somewhat of an issue locally... think San Carlos. Now, Belmont is getting in on the action. Let's hope their plans don't take 10 years to implement...
Supervisor Rich Gordon assumed the role of President of the Board (again) yesterday (for the third time) and talked about weathering the financial crisis. It is a good thing he referenced Sacramento's cuts, because that's where he wants to be this time next year. If he gets elected, let's see how long it takes before he turns from a State government cut-ee to a State government cut-er...
Jon Mays mixes business (the Kinko's'/Aguiree International building demolition) with pleasure (where he met his wife)... in today's Daily Journal.
This has been a bad week for the Bonds family. Mark McGuire's admission that he used steroids has pushed many sport writers and thinking people (sometimes those two things are mutually exclusive) to call for Barry Bonds to come clean. That's Part A of the Bad Bonds Week... Part B is that Nikolai Lamar Bonds (Barry's son) was in a San Mateo County courtroom pleading not guilty to five misdemeanor counts including battery (of his mother), false imprisonment (of his mother), vandalism (of his mother's home), threatening a police officer, and obstructing a police officer. Apple. Tree. Not far...
Riptide feels for the folks who have been evacuated from the soon-to-be-in-the-Pacific apartments on Esplanade cliff. Riptide also worries about the neighbors...
There was a robbery at gun point of the 76 gas station on Willow Road on Monday night in Menlo Park. (Hey robbers, just because the gas station is in Menlo Park doesn't mean there is more money there than at any other gas station...) Here's an interesting detail, the robbers left with cash (obviously) and cigarettes... it is almost like they know they are going to prison and are looking to stash away some prison currency before they get there...
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