Thursday, February 11, 2010

Morning News Round-Up -- 2.11.10: The Assessor-Clerk-Recorder-Short Order Cook-Blogger will retire...

Everyone's favorite Jack-of-all-Trades Warren Slocum will not seek re-election this year. In a County where one person leaving office sets off an entire chain reaction of political positioning, this is no different. Because unlike Lee Buffington's job, people actually want to be assessor-clerk-recorder... I mean, what are the chances that an assessor-clerk-recorder will lose $150 million overnight? Anyway, the jockeying has begun to replace Slocum: Supervisor Mark Church wants in (which will set off another landslide of political manuevering for his seat) according to the news story, but other familiar names popping up -- like Papan, Keighran, Hershman, Holober, Nagel, and Mullin..

Budget Woes Daily...

Millbrae officially announced that it was no fun... they will not allow marijuana dispensaries...

1 comment:

Peninsula Examiner said...

Great post. Very informative and interesting to read. I see that you linked one of my articles in your post ("people actually want to be assessor-clerk-recorder"). I've made some changes to my article, so I have now created a new link. Please use this new link instead:

Thank you very much! Greatly appreciated, and keep up the good news work.

Bruce Balshone