Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Morning News Round-Up -- 3.30.10: Open Carry Crazy...

Could the "Open Carry" movement please get itself under control? A former city worker in San Bruno left a message for the City Attorney saying that he was going to bring an unloaded weapon to a meeting... of course, the only way for someone to know that a weapon is unloaded is if you pull the trigger and nothing comes out. Which is probably a little too later for the City Attorney in San Bruno -- which is why a temporary restraining order has been brought against Harold Wulff. Now, he can't really go to that meeting at San Bruno's City Hall...

The "conversation" about Atherton Councilmember Charles Marsala continues in the Home/Loan Gate controversy on the Almanac's "Town Square Forum"... needless to say, folks in Atherton have way too much time on their hands...

We love this story and its headline: "Lawmaker (Ira Ruskin) names top term priorities..." As if his top term priority isn't to find something else to do when this term is up...

And while Ruskin does his thing, Assemblymember Jerry Hill was writing an Op-Ed for the Daily Journal. He is doing his best to remind you that everything that Sacramento does is not completely insane... that is not an easy task Mr. Hill...

The former Belmont Chamber president says he knew he would get off on the molestation charges, but now he has to put his life back together. The Belmont Chamber can't go a week without being in the news...

Do you remember the wave that knocked out Mavericks' spectators this year? Well, Supervisor Gordon is coming to the rescue with a meeting about public safety at Mavericks... the timing of this meeting probably would have been better before the competition, but...

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