Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Morning News Round-Up -- 3.3.10: 2nd day in a row, 2nd day in a row...

Dear Mercury News/County Times web dudes... you have a problem with your shit. This is the second day in a row with the same problem. This is the second day in a row with the same problem.

Rockaway Quarry has been sold. We'll see what brilliant development idea comes out of this sale... Pacifica Riptide will most certaintly be following it.

Congrats to the Burlingame School District. Their parcel tax renewal passed this week.

We like your jobs (and your tax money), just not your campus growth plan... that's the message Gilead is getting from their Foster City neighbors.

Like everyone else, the Daily Journal's Jon Mays has an opinion about High Speed Rail, specifically in San Mateo. But his views are at least constructive and not NIMBYish...

If you smoke in Menlo Park, you know they have some tough anti-smoking laws. Well, the fines are about to get bigger...

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