Thursday, April 1, 2010

Morning News Round-Up -- 4.1.10: A little long...

We missed yesterday... so today's version is a little long. (As Michael Scott would say...)

Jon Mays at the Daily Journal caught our vibe with all the consultant-hiring going on in the County. Redwood City hired a consultant to fight the jail and a bunch of other cities hired consultants to deal with High Speed Rail.

As if waiting for the perfect timing to prove Jon Mays' point... Menlo Park is hiring a lobbyist to argue against High-Speed Rail...

Sally Leiber has been wanting to re-enter the political fray for sometime... and she did today in a big way in San Mateo County. She had an Op-Ed bashing the salt pond development plans for Redwood City in the Merc.

65 employees could lose their jobs in the San Mateo-Foster City Elementary School District... thank you Sacramento (and the economy...)

The County budget isn't much better, but County parks may stay open... "barely"

Here's a reoccurring story... Everest vs. Sequoia, Sequoia vs. Everest... Sequoia Union High School District has made a "final offer" to Everest by offering them space at Woodside High School. However, it might take a few more weeks to have Everest and Sequoia work things out... after several years, what's a few more weeks, right?

Riptide informs us all that Pacifica Lumber has closed...

It is no secret that the Menlo Park FIre District and the City of Menlo Park haven't been getting along lately -- heck, firefighters have been working without a contract for two years. Unfortunately, the mediation process that they were going through failed... to be continued...

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