Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Morning News Round-Up -- 4.13.10: Divorce proceedings begin...

San Mateo Medical Center is looking into how a rape could happen in its psych unit... sounds like a really good plan. To show how serious they are, Jean Fraser, the County's Health Systems chief penned an OpEd for the Daily Journal...

San Carlos also voted to discontinue their red-light cameras... ironic, since Belmont started their red-light cameras this week. No wonder these two kids can't get along... (SSF is also thinking about life without red-light camers...)

Pigeon Point Lighthouse, Watch Dog's favorite coastside location (aside from Nona's Kitchen) is in deep trouble. There was a big plan to redo the place, but everyone's budget stinks... which means Pigeon Point Lighthouse is in trouble too...

While we are on the coast... a property owner in El Granada beat the Coastal Commission in court. Now a gigantic house can be built... how fun.

Speaking of historic (?) structures in San Mateo County, the Steve Jobs/ Woodside/ iMansion issue still isn't over yet. Jobs has a demolition application in with Woodside officials but they also got a request from a local couple to move the soon-to-be-demolished house to their property... will this ever end?

If you have been waiting for a hookah bar to open in San Bruno because you can't resist the sweet smell of tobacco... think again. San Bruno might be about to ban hookah bars... and a hookah bar without hookah is just a place with lots of cushions and carpets.

Here's something NIMBYs can get behind... there is a plan to install a cell phone tower in Portola Valley (y'know, so cell phones can work when you're riding your horsee)... neighbors are mad...

Thanks to a loyal reader (and the SacBee), we have this PensionMeter to share... we will write more about it later, but it doesn't look particularly good for our County... unless of course you are a current pensioner...

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