Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Morning News Round-Up -- 4.20.10: 420, need we say more?

420... 'nuff said. Now, onto November...

And you thought the Garbage Saga was over... the County wants the garbage overseers, the South Bayside Waste Management Authority, to have elected officials on it, as opposed to City and Council staff... good luck with that...

Congresswoman Anny Eshoo will testify today on Capitol Hill in front of the House Financial Services Committee on how the County, and all kinds of other government agencies, got screwed by Lehman Brothers...

The San Mateo Police Department is as concerned as everyone else is with the recent crimes at the psych unit. They aren't surprised though, they go there all the time on calls.

Speaking of the San Mateo Police Department, Councilmember David Lim's plea to keep looking into the sharing a police department with Burlingame got shot down and now San Mateo's Deputy Police Chief Mike Callagy will be the new interim Police Chief in Burlingame. Sorry David...

Burlingame Voice also chimes in about how the man and woman on the street in Burlingame feels about the police department merger...

The John John John Johns drama ended yesterday as the Atherton Town Council approved a settlement... of course, like everything in Atherton, it wasn't easy. It was a 3-2 vote, with Elizabeth Lewis and Charles "I live in Atherton" Marsala voting no. Perhaps the gang that couldn't shoot straight can start focusing on other stuff now... the settlement vote warranted capital letters on the Town of Atherton blog: ATHERTON SETTLES JOHNS LITIGATION...

Yesterday was a bad day to be train-dependent. First a bomb threat that screwed up the afternoon/ evening community, then a suspicious package at the Caltrain Station in Mountain View closed things down for a while last night...

One Silicon Valley-ite who is running for high office has released his tax returns... Tom Campbell. And we learn what we already knew... he isn't a rich as Meg Whitman, Carly Fiorina, or Steve Poizner... Most stunning of all, he donated only $600 to charity in 2009. ... that's it.

Speaking of Silicon Valley types running for office... Chris Kelly is a former Facebook executive running for Attorney General. (In case you didn't know that, and if you didn't know that, then you are in the majority...) He is facing some tough questions about Facebook's privacy policies. Questions like, does Facebook have a privacy policy?

Layoffs, furloughs, and cuts, oh my! (In Half Moon Bay...)

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