Thursday, April 22, 2010

Morning News Round-Up -- 4.22.10: District elections?

Mike Nevin (and a bunch of other folks) are defending the status quo when it comes to the County voting for Supervisors at-large... Bruce Balshone at PP Examiner, not so much...
The COWs of Woodside have a view on this too... And the actual Charter Review Committee voted to let voters decide about district elections for Supervisors... get ready for some fireworks...

Speaking of Supervisors (to be?)... April Vargas picks up another endorsement from the Sierra Club...

The Coroner's race heats up... Watch Dog feels weird that we live in a County where the coroner is elected...

It is not a maybe for the San Mateo Union High School District. They do not want an above-ground train near Burlingame High School. Of course, they would probably like an underground 101 as well... but that ship has sailed.

The City of Half Moon Bay will have few staff members soon... that's because the City Council approved layoffs, furloughs, and cuts, oh my...

Atherton joins lots and lots and lots of people (including Menlo Park) in opposing the Cargill Saltworks development... But it hasn't yet been posted on the Town of Atherton blog... yet...

Watch Dog loves the title of this post by Coastsider: Avoid disturbing seabirds during breeding season... Does that mean avoid the nasty birds during your season of love-making? Or, does that mean that you should avoid disturbing the seabirds during their own breeding season...

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