Monday, April 5, 2010

Morning News Round-Up -- 4.5.10: John John John John Johns to Settle...

First, the important stuff... Go Stanford Cardinal. Beat UConn...

With a new controversy (Home/Loan Gate) hitting Atherton... we have almost forgot about the old Atherton controversy, the John John John John Johns lawsuit. Add this to the list of lawsuits Atherton has settled over the past 6 months... Why doesn't the City Council in Atherton just sign a check for $250,000 to the guy suing the Atherton over the police department and save everyone the trouble and time...

Caltrain is in deep shit... and it may be taxpayers who need to keep it afloat, because riders can't afford the $50/day to ride the train, and that's about what it would take to keep Caltrains running... Good times.

Remember the "Simitian, your cell phone bill sucks..." thingy? Well, it is about to "suck" even more if you don't like the hands-free law. Fines will go up if the new bill passes...

The County might get sued by the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights because it elects supervisors at-large, rather than by district. The Charter Review Committee will discuss the letter they received from the LCCR on Wednesday, but expect a lawsuit if the Charter Review Committee doesn't recommend district elections...

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