Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Morning News Round-Up -- 5.26.10: 4,500 homes, 10,000 cars...

4,500 new homes in Brisbane? That's part of Universal Paragon Corporation's plans for the Brisbane Baylands unveiled last night to the Brisbane City Council. That should be great for traffic on 101...

Speaking of great for traffic... Check out this Almanac (hysterical) headline: Stanford medical facilities expansion could bring 10,000 more vehicle trips per day to the area. If they are that worried about car traffic, shouldn't they support High-Speed Rail? We're just saying...

It takes a special kind of asshole to "ransack" a school... but it happened again at James Flood Magnet School in East Palo Alto for the second time in a year.

It looks like Burlingame School District may buy, renovate, and eventually reopen the long-closed (former Buddhist center) Hoover Elementary School on Summit drive.

While we're there: the Burlingame Voice has a little perspective on the red-light cameras in Burlingame...

This should surprise absolutely nobody... the City of Belmont needs to dip into reserves to balance the budget next year. So does Watch Dog...

Jon Mays at the Daily Journal hearts the idea of a San Mateo/Foster City Fire Department...

A bit of really good news today: a bigger, better Ron Robinson Senior Care Center at the San Mateo Medical Center will reopen today...

Today is Yoriko Kishimoto's turn for a Will Oremus profile... Unfortunately for her, the Mercury News endorsed Rich Gordon today...

We mentioned earlier this week that we can't resist pointing out imperfections with the online Merc... we are clearly wildly immature. We wouldn't argue agains that... (There is a story linked here too...)

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