Monday, May 3, 2010

Morning News Round-Up -- 5.3.10: CaliJersey, the home of the Garbage Saga...

Could this be the end of the Garbage Saga in San Mateo County? First, the South Bayside Waste Management Authority, the mouthfully-named organization that oversees much of the garbage collection and recycling in the County has changed its name to RethinkWaste. Second, we learn that the transition between the old company (Allied Waste) and the new company (Recology) will be fast-tracked to this summer, rather than next January -- sort of. The new carts will start this summer, but Recology's collection of them won't start until January. Confusing much?

Perhaps a new garbage saga is brewing... the County Times has a piece about "illegal trash dumpers" who put stuff in front of other folks homes...

Caltrain is in deep, deep financial doody. On Thursday, they are going to declare a "fiscal emergency" which helps them cut service quickly and avoid all the screaming and yelling at public meetings... or at least concentrate the screaming and yelling to a few public meetings...

Speaking of financial problems... the County is still trying to get millions of dollars of jet fuel sales tax, but an appellate court judge said they have to appeal to the Board of Equalization, not a regular court. (It would help to yell and scream at Oakland too...)

The Esplanade Apartments in Pacifica have been evacuated... can we really call this "news" anymore?

Lee Duboc is going ot the City Clerk... sort of. The petition to qualify a pension reform measure for November. The City Clerk will now start counting...

While we are in Menlo Park, the Bohannon project will be heard by the Planning Commission in Menlo Park. NIMBY alert... NIMBY alert...

Sue Lempert gets her day in the Daily Journal today and coins a new term: "Calijersey"... and it isn't good...

A day without NIMBYs is a day without sunshine... today it is Daly City and cell phone towers...

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