Here's something that has been in the news for as long as Watch Dog has been in San Mateo... the Sequoia Union High School District and the Everest Public High School (charter school) settled their long-standing legal dispute about Everest's facilities... Everyone seems to be turning over a new leaf, as the current Superintendent (Pat Gemma) packs finishes packing his bags.
Speaking of long-standing pissing matches... the new owners of the former Page Mill Properties apartment buildings (Wells Fargo) will be reducing rents in their units.
This will send shock-waves up and down Silicon Valley. Menlo Park is imposing a two-tier pension system for its municipal employees. The beginning of a trend, or the shot heard round the union world?
The Daily Journal gives a run-down of the Supervisors race to replace Rich Gordon... Don Horsley - whose name you probably recognize, April Vargas - a coastside Democrat, Matt Grocott - the always fun to read about San Carlos City Councilmember, Jack Hickey - everyones favorite Libertarian, and Michael Stogner - a car salesman. "A Sheriff, a Democrat, a City Councilmember, a Libertarian, and a car salesman walk into a bar..."
Guess what Steve Poizner's internal polls say? That he's catching up. Guess what Sarah Palin's polls said about her? That she was qualified... it doesn't make it so Steve, it doesn't make it so...
In other political news (about people way behind in the polls), Yoriko Kishimoto gets a write up in the Palo Alto Weekly/Almanac. She is running for State Assembly for Ira Ruskin's seat against Josh Becker and Rich Gordon.
The Tweet that launched a thousand comments... San Carlos City Councilmember Omar Ahmad should probably keep his Tweets to himself during the actual City Council meetings, instead of making comments about who is in the crowd and who isn't...
Stanford Hospital and nurses still aren't getting along nicely. The hospitals just rejected a proposal from the nurses... who previously had rejected the "last, best, and final" offer from the hospital.
Finally, Tom Campbell's campaign has released an online campaign video (and taken their gloves off) that you absolutely have to see. Seriously. It makes the weird sheep thing Carly Fiorina's campaign put out a while ago seem mild. Take a gander... love the head-bob...
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