Monday, October 6, 2008

Morning News Round-Up -- 10.06.08

A Safeway parking lot in Burlingame study session today.

County to get back money from the State Board of Equalization. Wow! The State actually giving back money as opposed to taking it...imagine that...

This is funny and Watch Dog can't say it any better than the first line from the story:
"County officials mulling possible sites for a new jail are holding a trio of public forums to hear from the community but none of the three will be held in Redwood City, home of the current facility and possibly the location of a new, bigger building."
Why would you want to hold a public meeting near where you would put a new jail? That would just make all the nay-sayers come out, and after all, who wants to hear from them at a public hearing?

Sue Lempert's colunn goes into detail about the machinations of what may happen on the San Mateo City Council -- as well as other inside-baseball political stuff. Good read.

Mark Olbert takes on the County's Investment Fund Oversight Committee for their public hearing last week. The money quote: "...the way in which the meeting unfolded was far from ideal. It could stand as a textbook example of how not to manage a public problem."

In an ongoing court battle between East Palo Alto tenants and Page Mill Properties, a judge ruled with tenants. This is one ruling of many expected, apparently. The heart of the issue is (seemingly) rent control.

Prop. 8 and San Mateo County. Your thoughts?

A boat capsized near Mavericks on Sunday. Details from the Half Moon Bay Review -- Watch Dog's favorite publication.

From Friday's paper - the County Assessor is receiving a flood of requests for re-assessments. That is a sure sign the economy is in the tank...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's a new blog on the case of alleged pedophile, San Mateo child psychiatrist Dr. William Ayres.

Check it out:

Pay particular attention to the top post which lists all the agencies and doctors in San Mateo that failed to act on molestation complaints over the years about Dr. Ayres.