Monday, December 8, 2008

Garbage Update: Belmont/Lempert/Hill

Well, it is garbage time again -- after a pretty long time-out on Watch Dog.

This time, Belmont is considering their options on Tuesday night. If you recall (or care) Belmont was the most upset with how things at the SBWMA are going and wasn't pleased with Allied's service either. They went ahead with the selection process with the SBWMA, but also went on their own and put Belmont's contract out to bid. They will consider what to do on Tuesday -- go it alone, go with the SBWMA's choice, or punt for a bit while the San Mateo County Civil Grand Jury looks into all of this.

Meanwhile, Sue Lempert in the Daily Journal gives a pretty good perspective and history into the whole thing. Watch Dog must admit, it is even better then our own history...Watch Dog means this in the best way possible, she has been around a long time and has an historical view that most don't have.

She talks about the questions and concerns folks had about the SBWMA over time, and how Jerry Hill ably picked up the mantel of watch dog of that agency. She also talks about the BFI history and how folks there left for Norcal and began the process to get the contract taken away from BFI/Allied.

It is a good read...thank you Sue.

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