Friday, December 5, 2008

Morning News Round-Up -- 12.05.08

You remember this story about the stalking/hostage-taking/robbery story that ended with a murder/suicide as well as a swat-team entering the home and shots being fired. The swat-team didn't shoot the hostage-taker/robber, according to CSI-like ballistics reports...The Chronicle chimes in with even more details about the horrific events.

Standoff for Stanford Redwood City – Stanford wants to develop the 35 acres with “collaboration pods” and green construction – Redwood City residents worry about traffic (and probably a drop in property tax revenue). NIMBY-ism?

You will still be able to buy hard liquor at city-run facilities in Belmont. Thank goodness...

The San Mateo County Times is days late on a story about the County probation chief stepping down. Even Watch Dog got the Memo...

A high-speed chase made its way through Palo Alto yesterday afternoon. And no, Watch Dog isn't referring to Lynne Johnson's high-speed exit out of town...

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