Monday, December 8, 2008

Jay Thorwaldson...a blog or an afterthought?

You can't call it a blog if you don't actually post anything.

Watch Doggers will remember this post from October 20th complaining about Jay Thorwaldson's blog. (Thorwaldson is the editor of the Palo Alto Weekly.) I complained because if you really care about creating an online space where issues are discussed -- then do it. If not, then don't pretend you are embracing the medium -- which is what Thorwaldson is doing. Watch Dog would bet money that when he speaks to friends in the industry, he talks about how hip his blog is -- well guess what, 7 posts in 2 years is not a blog, it is an afterthought.

When I last posted about this issue, Watch Dog ran down Thorwaldson's posts since his blog's inception in 2006. The total, 6 posts in 2 years. They were...
Since then, Thorwaldson posted about racial profiling in Palo Alto on October 31st...that was Halloween. Now, Thanksgiving has passed and we are bearing down on Christmas and New Years...what gives? 7 posts in 2 years. Why bother?

Watch Dog will leave this post with a prediction -- after this Watch Dog post goes live, Thorwaldson will start typing and post something within a week. That's what happened last time too.

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