“If public schools unite society, then this particular charter school moves us in the opposite direction. … Don’t take from the many to give to the few. If you approve this charter, some families may get what they want, but many will not get what they need...”Michelle Durand at the Daily Journal talks about giving during this season...specifically, eye glasses.
Following up on a series of stories about Jerry Hill's open Supervisor's seat, Dave Pine of the San Mateo Union High School District Board, chimes in on the Op-Ed pages of the Daily Journal. He is pushing for an election...because...well...we live in a democracy...
In May, property owners in Burlingame will get a ballot in the mail. They will be voting on a parcel tax on the property they own based on "impervious square footage"...Impervios square footage you ask? Stuff that doesn't absorb water. The tax, which needs a simple majority to pass, will go to storm drains. Watch Dog will write more about this issue later, as soon as we measure our own impervious square footage...
The composting facility in Palo Alto has a stinky past, according to a new report. Most notably, they aren't great at "preventing or controlling fires." That is only mildly important...
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