Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Extremely Late Morning News Round-Up 1.14.09: Taxes, Fees, and Cuts...OH MY!

Apologies for the delayed nature of this News Round-Up...

No surprise here: Government agencies are going to be cutting back services and (in some cases) raising new revenue. San Bruno is the latest City to look at closing major budget gaps. Sounding like Ronald Reagan, San Bruno Councilmember Rico Medina says, “It’s time for the city to live within its means...” Palo Alto schools are also facing "Draconian budget cuts..." Bucking the trend however, perhaps because of a fancy new hotel coming online, Menlo Park is giving a 30 percent pay increase for police sergeants...really?

Do deal with increase costs, Belmont approved some pretty steep fee increases yesterday to pay for improvements and upgrades to the sewer and water treatment systems. I'm sure homeowners and business owners will be extremely pleased to cough up the hundreds/thousands next year...good luck Belmont electeds. Perhaps the best thing to do is spend some time in the slammer to avoid being in the voters' dog house...

San Mateo County was graced with the presence of greatness yesterday -- Gavin Newsom's hair. Newsom (and his hair) gave a speech at the Hiller Aviation Museum as part of his Hillary Clinton-esque listening tour around the Bay Area. He admitted that most folks know him for his "like it or not" comments used against him on the Prop. 8 campaign. He did not say, "They know me for that comment, but they love me for my hair..."

Daily Journal Editor Jon Mays compares two fixer-uppers that are on his mind...Obama (fixing up the Country and democracy) and Mays' new home...Mays can afford to procrastinate -- Obama can't...

No word on if Mavericks will be Saturday or not. Watch Dog's surf board is ready, waxed, and waiting for the call to action...

The City Council in Pacifica will consider a 1 cent sales tax increase to replace the current, but expiring, fire assessment. The Financing City Services Task Force recommends yes.

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