- Planning Commissioner Fred Hansson
- Planning Commissioner Robert Gooyer
- Community Relations Commissioner David Lim
- Supervisorial Aide (and Watch Dog respondent) Randy Torrijos
- Marlene Andrade
- Fel Anthony Amistad
- Retired Police Lieutenant Robert Ross
- Library Foundation President Tish Busselle
- Former Planning Commissioner Karen Herrel
- Former Planning Commissioner Bertha Sanchez
- Labor leader Rich Hedges
- Matthew Francis Nathan
- Dean V. Martin (forever cool)
- Gail Berkley
Hillside homes in Hillsborough is going to be a tough sell -- especially when the plan is to build those 25 homes on 48 acres of now open space near the Crystal Springs Reservoir. Add to that the school-aged kids that will go into those homes and the chance of more neighborhood traffic and you have a recipe for a NIMBY Battle Royale. Which is (perhaps) what the owner of the property wants...what do I mean? Well, if the owner of the 48 acres, Chirstian de Guigne IV, creates enough stir about putting up housing, perhaps the Peninsula Space Open Authority will be pressured into paying a premium for the piece of land to keep the space open. Just a theory, but not one that is out of the question according to de Guigne's team. He has hired a small army of lawyers and spin-meisters..including Greg Hampton and Peter Callander...
State Senator Simitian is proposing (again) to lower the threshold for local tax measures to pass at the ballot from 2/3 to 55 percent. 2/3 is a tough threshold that many local school districts and agencies have trouble reaching. That's actually why the 2/3 threshold exists in the first place. Nonetheless, there would be much less pressure on local government if the State government would do its job and stop stealing from their local brethren...
And speaking of the State not doing its job...Evidence that they don't really know what their doing becomes incredibly clear today in this Tea Party Alert...if you are expecting some of your tax money back from the State this season you might get an IOU instead because the State doesn't have any money. Can you imagine if millions of Californians don't get their tax over-payments back? There will be a full-fledged revolt -- mark Watch Dog's words...
The Civil Grand Jury has been busy. First garbage...then water...now schools -- specifically fire safety in schools. Watch Dog is still waiting for the Jerry Hill-requested garbage contract report from the Civil Grand Jury...
Anyone who rides their bike to the train to avoid burning fossil fuels should be commended. Unfortunately, there is never enough room (apparently) for all the cyclist that want to ride the train. Scott Wildy was sick of it. So he refused to get off a full train with his bike and was arrested. Now he must pay a fine -- which is a lot better than spending a year in prison, which was also a prosecutorial option...
The Bair Island boardwalk is being rebuilt -- you know how you can tell? All the helicopters hovering right off 101 in Redwood City. Cool to watch, but please keep your eyes on the road...
The Chronicle (finally) gets in on the action covering the Royal Hairness (Gavin Newsom's) visit to San Carlos on Tuesday.
And finally, a look around the other blogs in San Mateo County...Pacifica Riptide continues its awesome-ness posting constantly about Pacifica and world issues, while Jay Thorwaldson's "blog" continues to stink (he hasn't posted since December 9th). The newby, San Mateo Public Policy Examiner (or PP Examiner), hasn't posted in a week (which is weak)...
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