Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Morning News Round-Up -- 1.21.09: Inaugural Hang-Over Edition...

While we were all watching the Inaugural festivities (and drinking the Inaugural wine...) things were happening locally...

There is a Council seat to fill in San Mateo and the Daily News Jon Mays joined Watch Dog in promoting Karen Herrel for the San Mateo City Council to-be-appointed seat...preserving democracy, etc., etc., etc. She's the candidate that wants to place-hold the seat until an election can happen. Imagine that!

Memo to Burlingame: Getting people to pay more taxes during the Great Recession is going to be nearly impossible. But the City of Burlingame is moving forward anyway with a plan to charge property owners between $116 and $2,060 per year for storm drain improvements. To give them a better shot at success, the election will be an all mail (not all male) election with ballots going out in April and returned in May.

The Mid-Peninsula Open Space District is purchasing 4 pieces of land (1,300 acres) which is critical for the "to the sea" link. This is one upside to a down economy -- land is cheap. Remember this coastal open space purchase from the holiday season?

Something happened in DC yesterday...local folks reacted.

The first of three workshops on downtown (?) San Bruno will happen tonight. Workshop one won't be dedicated to letting people know where downtown San Bruno actually is...

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