Thursday, February 19, 2009

Morning News Round-Up -- 2.19.09: Wasteful-Spending Angry Man Edition...

Recession Repercussion 1,001: Schools face cuts because they had money invested with some (safe?) failed banks and the State is in a state. San Mateo Union High School District is today's -cost-cutting-public-agency.

But don't worry, the State Legislature approved a budget plan...such an efficient bunch in Sacramento...

Speaking of Sacramento...

"Senator Joe Simitian: Your cell phone law sucks." That's not Watch Dog saying that, that is a billboard on 101 in East Palo Alto, thanks a wasteful-spending angry man named Grant Paulson...

As if someone predicted it...oh wait, someone did predict it. The weather, and a mechanical glitch, almost caused a catastrophe for the South Bayside System Authority's waste water treatment facility. Good thing taxes are going up to pay for improvements...

Partly because of the Great Recession, and partly because of an $18 million lawsuit payout -- the woes continue for Half Moon the San Mateo County Times is even on the story...

It was here yesterday though, thanks to the fearless reporters at the HMB Review...if only spending huge sums of money on Sacramento lobbyists could get you out of a financial crunch...

What do a clown suit, federal officers, a small bicycle, and Redwood City have in common? You have to read this story to find out. It almost sounds like an Onion story...

Two agencies asking for money must be better than one. Right? That's what the game-plan is for CalTrain and the California High-Speed Rail Authority as they petition for federal stimulus money for Peninsula tracks...

Speaking of High-Speed Rail, if you still haven't gotten everything off your chest about how angry you are with the fact that it is going to be running through your back yard, the California High-Speed Rail Authority has extended its deadline for your comments...

Michelle Durand does her best Debbie Downer impression in today's Daily Journal "Off the Beat" piece...

The new plans for the Burlingame Safeway which were disclosed earlier this week and are now (seemingly) on a fast-track have a whole group of folks a little pissed. I guess that makes sense since the group's title is the Safeway Working Group...

State Senator Leland Yee (and Assemblymember Tom Ammiano) have put forward a bill to mandate police oversight at BART...perhaps that would have been a more helpful bill last session?

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