Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Morning News Round-Up -- 3.4.09: The Life of the Wealthy and Influential...

The yearly ritual of pink slips to teachers starts next week. There are generally more pink slips given out than layoffs forthcoming, but the idea of teachers getting pink slips underlines how screwed up California is. Sorry Terminator Schwarzenegger, it's true...The California Teachers Association is marking the day of reckoning with their own website: Pink Friday 09.

One of the inherent inequities in California schools is that wealthier communities are able to privately fundraise while less-well-off Districts struggle in that department. On this front, the Partners in Education organization in Palo Alto is giving the Palo Alto Unified School District a check for $2.57 million this week...

In Belmont, there is a "Chronic flasher on the loose." The headline pretty much says it all...except that he also robbed a woman in a residential parking garage.

Easy come, easy go for Dr. Sang-Ick Chang, the CEO of the San Mateo Medical Center after only 18 months at the helm. While there is PR explanation why he is leaving to go take a lesser post as Chief Medical Offier at the Alameda County Medical Center...but the real reason is hinted at in the story: the County consolidated much of its healthcare functions last year and added a layer of bureaucracy over Dr. Chang's head. Instead of reporting directly to the County Manager, the new set up had Change reporting to Jean Fraser, who reported directly to the County Manager...hence, Change left.

Tonight, the Redwood City Elementary School Distict may/will put a $91 parcel tax measure on the ballot for June. Here is some free campaign help to get this passed: The State is screwed up. They are taking our money. We need more... (You are welcome...)

It is possible that Watch Dog's computer is temporarily screwed up, but it doesn't seem like the Daily Journal has any opinion today. Perhaps the rain has temporarily washed away Jon Mays' edge...

Cool (or scary) new x-ray technology is being rolled out at SFO. The TV version of the story was way cooler than the written version...

Foster City is getting some plastic surgery...sort of. They are replacing some grass fields with some artificial turf. Lest you think this is a move that could be conflict-free -- check out this story from Watch Dog Silicon Valley...

And in some blog news:
And from the Wealthy/Local Influential Folks File...

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