Thursday, April 2, 2009

Morning News Round-Up -- 4.2.09: Rest assured...Riley is safe

Take THAT economic downturn. A 'new' auto dealership will open in Burlingame this week. Putnam Subaru is opening a Burlingame dealership on California Drive. Good luck Mr. and Mrs. Putnam...

In other dealership news...Menlo Park's Planning Commission will hear about a plan to put 110,000 square feet of office and retail in on El Camino Real where the Cadillac dealership used to be (before everyone started driving SUVs...)

As if the Sequoia Union High School District versus Everest Charter School weren't difficult enough for the School District, the economic downturn has also caused the District to issue 19 pink slips...and we thought Pink Friday was weeks ago...

And some good school news...the Cabrillo Unified School District is set to receive $700,000 of Federal stimulus money.

Riley got out...he's safe...Watch Dog hates to read about our friends (and Michelle Durand's dog) getting out of the yard...

County Supervisors approved $500,000 in emergency funding for local non-profits this week. A little late for the Coastside Family Health Center, however...

The County Times John Horgan offers a 'solution' the debris at Bay Meadows...

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