Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Morning News Round-Up -- 10.28.09: The Bay Bridge is closed (seriously)...

Remember that Bay Bridge repair on Labor Day weekend. Y'know, that really important piece that they hadn't planned on fixing but saw a crack in when the Bay Bridge was closed and they fixed it. Well, it kind of broke last night. Don't worry though, Watch Dog can't see how having the Bay Bridge closed indefinitely could possibly screw things up throughout the Bay Area... (For all you very literal people out there, we are kidding. The Bay Area will be a traffic disaster for a while... stay in your pajamas, stay home, and log-in to work...)

In what has become one of the most written-about elections next week, Dave Boyce at the Almanac goes into even more detail about the Sequoia Union High School District Board race for two open seats. The Almanac Editorial pages support Chris Thomsen and Bob Ferrando... we'll see what happens Tuesday.

San Carlos's billboard/First Amendment issue took another turn yesterday. The guy who wants to promote Sarah Palin for President in 2012 (really?) will have to wait for at least 45 days while San Carlos's emergency moratorium on new billboards take effect.

Some SSF neighbors of a proposed pot club are none-too-pleased with the plan for a club down the street. Watch Dog just likes the fact that Heather Murtagh of the Daily Journal used the word "sparked" in the second sentence of her story today about a pot club...

The ever-efficient, always-helpful folks in Sacramento will be looking at the implications legalized marijuana would have on communities. Don't worry everyone, Assemblymember Tom Ammiano is leading the hearings...

A 13 year old boy brought a BB gun to school yesterday at Burlingame Intermediate. He must not have gotten the message that guns only belong at Skyline College...

The Daily Journal comes out in favor of Measure L in San Mateo. BUT, it isn't the strongest endorsement you'll ever read and it comes less than a week before election day, which means that a huge chunk of people have already voted. The Daily Journal also provides a run-down of all their campaign thoughts, at least in terms of local measures: F/Yes, H/Yes, I/Yes, J/Yes, K/Yes, L/Yes, M/Yes, (noticing a pattern?), O/Yes, U/Yes, V/Yes, W/Yes, X/Yes, Y/Yes... tough crowd at the Editorial Board at the Daily Journal...

Surprise, surprise. The Menlo Park City Council approval of a massive development, coupled with the stipulation that the development be "carbon neutral" wasn't as clear as it could have been.

Speaking of carbon neutral... Pacifica is banning Styrofoam. The earth thanks you Pacifica. And we thank Riptide for bringing us the news...

The COWs of Woodside are celebrating their 4th anniversary... by continuing their crusade... or is it a COWsade?

And finally:

Here's a good headline from the County Times: San Mateo County dentists trying to keep kids from Halloween candy. They only thing more laughable would be a headline that read: San Mateo County patients trying to keep dentists away from golf courses.

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