Garbage Saga Coastside... the Garbage Saga for much of the County is pretty much over, unless of course the construction off of 101 goes over budget. But in Pacifica, they have their own Garbage Saga. Pacifica was having major problems with its garbage company, Coastside Scavenger. And by major problems, we mean that Coastside Scavenger wasn't paying Pacifica what it was supposed to. So... Pacifica went looking for another company. Instead, what Pacifica seems to be getting, according to Pacifica Riptide, is a company that is taking over Coastside Scavenger (and the contract). Recology will get the sweet contract -- which is the same company that got the original Garbage Saga contract for most of the rest of the County. It is turning into a one-garbage company County.
We all know that the Coastside Family Medical Center is in bankruptcy... but the medical records are about to be released to the good folks at the Phoenix Project who will then begin to distribute those records to former patients. Here is some more info about the Phoenix Project and how to get your records...
While some School Districts do everything they can to stop Charter Schools (Sequoia Union High School District, we mean you), others are embracing them, sort of. The San Carlos Elementary School District has converted all but one of its schools to a District-run Charter School and they want to do the last one soon too...
While the turf (legal) war continues in San Carlos, the City got back bids for the soon-to-be-turfed park and it looks like it will cost a lot less than originally expected. Which is good news. Too bad the extra money can't go to legal fees...
San Bruno daytime, home burglaries are on the rise... sort of like in Atherton. A public meeting is slated for February 17th.
Just as Spring Training is about to start, a baseball story... sort of. Barry Bond's son will stand trial in June on misdemeanor charges of battery, false imprisonment, vandalism, threatening a police officers, and obstructing a police officer... all of this from a fight with his mother.
While Congresswoman Jackie Speier is going to stay Congresswoman Jackie Speier for a bit longer because she isn't going to run for Attorney General, it (apparently) doesn't mean she won't jump the Congressional ship in the future. According to Matier and Ross in the Chronicle, Speier's "confidants" are looking ahead to Feinstein's seat...
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