Friday, October 17, 2008

The Garbage Saga Continues: "A burr under my saddle..."

The Board of Supervisors seems to be taking a stand against the SBWMA, the folks who oversee garbage in most of the county.

This isn't the first time this has been covered on Watch Dog, but this is perhaps the most significant (possible) defection, and certainly the most significant questioning of the Joint Powers Authority that is the SBWMA.

(Here is an abbreviated Watch Dog history of coverage of the issue.)

According to Michelle Durand's story in the San Mateo Daily Journal, the Sups' idea is to have elected representatives take part in the discussions at the SBWMA prior to these issues coming to City Councils, the County Supervisors, and other agencies that make up the SBWMA.

Apparently, City/County/Agency staff representing the JPA members make the decisions and then bring it to the elected officials for approval. It seems the real issue that has the SBWMA in hot water with the Supervisors is being asked to bond for their portion of a $65 million building. (Not to mention this verbal/written/media altercation between Supervisor Jerry Hill and Kevin McCarthy, the SBMWA executive director...)

There are several money quotes in this story -- so you should probably read the whole thing. Here is a sample:

Supervisor Gordon describing the proposed new building:
“You’re building a shell for $65 million. That’s a hell of a shell...”

Burlingame Finance Director Jesus Nava, described the escalating costs of the proposed new
building as:
“a burr under my saddle.”
As always with be continued...

Oh, and thank you Jesus Nava for bringing the vernacular of Texas to San Mateo County. Astute readers will remember when this burr was initially placed under the saddle...

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