Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Morning News Round-Up -- 2.24.09: Bom Dia, Michelle Durand...

In case you missed it yesterday, check out Watch Dog's little ditty about a local Judge with a foul mouth...

The Garbage Saga continues...and continues...and continues. Menlo Park is the latest city to jack up garbage rates. And it's a big one. 32 percent in the next two years...Watch Dog anxiously awaits Lee Duboc's reaction.

On a related (?) note, Menlo Park is set to approve $18.8 million in new infrastructure projects...

It seems every City is updating its General Plan -- this includes San Bruno. (Remember, COW talked about Woodside's Plan as well.) San Bruno wants more parks and to bring more people (or any people) downtown. (Downtown San Bruno?)

Tonight, Belmont will consider an update to campaign finance regulations. The ordinance hasn't be updated in 20 years, apparently. No time like the present to write regulations to keep incumbents in office...You see, when sitting City Councilmembers write new campaign regulations, they almost always favor those in office, rather than potential challengers.

If it is Tuesday, it is time for Michelle Durand at the Daily Journal to go "Off the Beat"...and this one is not to be missed. She chimes in on the New Jersey legislature that was considering banning the Brazilian. Michelle doesn't like being told what to do...and it sounds like she knows a thing or two about Brazil...

The County of San Mateo is putting together its next budget...and it doesn't look good. The first draft has 40 folks getting cut and the elimination of 78 unfilled positions. It seems like the County might be listening to Menlo Park's Lee Duboc more closely than the City of Menlo Park is...

The tragic killing of 4 Oakland Police Officers last week has caused a judge in Redwood City to postpone a trial in San Mateo County where a gang member killed an officer in East Palo Alto...

There was a power outage in Palo Alto over the weekend, but that isn't the most interesting part of the story. This is:
No city utilities officials were available Sunday afternoon or evening to provide information about what was happening.

Remember the recent fire in Downtown Menlo Park? Well, the Peet's that burned is on a fast-track to reopen. This is great news, because all the SUVs cruising apparently Menlo Park run on gasoline and caffeine...

You know you are in Atherton when...well, when people don't lock their car doors. There were 11 reports of folks cars being entered in Lindenwood -- all the cars were unlocked.

The meeting in Half Moon Bay about the closure attracted hundreds of folks...Supervisor Rich Gordon was on the hot-seat describing the County's relationship with the Coastside Family Medical Center. Gordon said they didn't know that closure was imminent and that they thought the Center could stay open "at least another few weeks..." Watch Dog isn't sure that the few weeks that Gordon referenced would have made the closure any more palatable to HMB residents...

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